Our business model

Cargo owners

Producers, trading houses and recievers

Western Bulk

Efficiently matching cargo with vessel to create an optimal transportation service

Vessel providers

Vessel owners located worldwide

We are a global dry bulk operator matching cargo with vessels under all market conditions; chartering vessels from various vessel owners and transporting cargo for customers worldwide. We have an asset-light business model, combining advanced risk management, market data and analytics to optimize fleet deployment and vessel-cargo matching.

An open and cooperative culture with enhanced customer focus

In Western Bulk we have a strong and agile commercial culture where individuals are given delegated responsibility and room to grow with their tasks.

Building on this, we have established an open culture where we share knowledge, information and business across offices and teams – making us more than just the sum of our parts.

Our values


Energetic, responsive, flexible and nimble


Dependable, sincere, humble, steadfast and attentive

Risk aware

Making informed and calculated decisions, mindful of challenges


Curious, adventurous, ambitious, always pursuing opportunities

Responsible business conduct

Western Bulk views responsible business conduct practices, including environmental and social standards, as key to reducing the impact of marine activities. Western Bulk is committed to promoting responsible and sustainable practices as global, corporate citizen and within our sphere of influence as ship operators.

Adhering to high standards in Responsible Business Conduct (“RBC”) within the Group’s businesses has positive impacts on results and makes Western Bulk competitively stronger in a sector where customers are increasingly driven by such factors when choosing their business partners.

Western Bulk’s Code of Conduct and related internal policies establish clear expectations for all parts of the Group’s business with regard to good corporate conduct and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Code of Conduct includes requirements and clearly communicates the Group’s expectations related to dealing with third parties and matters of integrity.

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Norwegian Transparency Act report 2024

The Norwegian Transparency Act came into force on 1 July 2022. The purpose of the Act is to implement OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights for Norwegian enterprises.

The Transparency Act requires Western Bulk to carry out due diligence to identify actual or potential negative risk on fundamental human rights and decent conditions of work in our supply chain and to act accordingly. Further, Western Bulk has a duty to make an annual statement of the method and findings of the due diligence, and an obligation to respond on inquiries from stakeholders.

Please find below our 2024 Norwegian Transparency Act Report.

Click here to read our report.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Western Bulk has prepared a Supplier Code of Conduct which communicates our expectations to our external suppliers beyond the contractual obligations in individual contracts.

The Supplier Code of Conduct establish clear expectations for all Suppliers with regard to good corporate conduct and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Supplier Code of Conduct includes requirements and clearly communicates the Group’s expectations related to dealing with third parties and matters of integrity. Western Bulk expects all Suppliers to meet the expectations set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may impact Suppliers’ ability to do business with Western Bulk going forwards.

The terms of the Supplier Code of Conduct apply to all Suppliers to the Group including parent, subsidiary or affiliate entities, as well as all others with whom they do business, including subcontractors and other third parties. It is the Suppliers’ responsibility to ensure processes to manage their adverse impacts on human and labour rights, environment and anti-corruption through their business relationships and operations.

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Our commercial teams

Western Bulk runs a flat and decentralized structure. Our six commercial teams run their own book of vessels and cargo contracts, and have responsibility for a geographical area or a vessel segment.

Management team

Image of Torbjorn Gjervik

Torbjorn Gjervik

Chief Executive Officer

+47 23 13 34 94

Image of Kenneth Thu

Kenneth Thu

Chief Financial Officer

+47 23 13 34 00

Board of Directors

Image of Bengt A. Rem

Bengt A. Rem

Chairman of the Board

Image of Kristian Huseby

Kristian Huseby

Member of the Board

Image of Ørjan Svanevik

Ørjan Svanevik

Member of the Board

Image of Betina Nygaard

Betina Nygaard

Member of the Board

Image of Ulrika Laurin

Ulrika Laurin

Member of the Board